Monday, November 22, 2010

Follow me... I will never lead you astray.....

I'm still trying to figure out how to acquire more followers.  This blogging thing is new to me but already I can tell it is going to be very therapeutic.  Don't worry, I promise to only tell embarrassing stories of myself and if I do happen to tell an embarrassing story about you I will change your name.  Unless I just really don't like you.  In that case I'll include your full name, address, phone number, and shoe size.  So any pointers would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!


  1. LOL...I cant wait to read all the embarrassing things i haven't herd yet hahahaha....

  2. Jen,
    Get out there, read blogs of other folks. Leave comments on their stuff, they will get to your blog. Blogging is a word of mouth kind of world. It's not a fast thing either, it takes time. just write for yourself and eventually folks will find you and follow along because your words mean something to them.

  3. Jen, I have found that even if I don't have any folowers on my blog that my blog is more for myself (and in my case to glorify my Jesus who is the reason I am who I am). I agree with Michal (love that name, one of my fave names for a girl from the Bible!) that it takes time. You are doing good at blogging on a consistent basis though, I myself am not so good at that. I blog in my head every day, but it never really translates to the website! haha
