Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On Reaching Out

As humans when we feel threatened or hurt our first instinct is to lash out and hurt the person you feel has hurt you.  But how often do we ever stop to really take the time to evaluate the situation.  And is hurting the other persons feelings through your words or actions really going to solve the problem?  No.  This way of dealing with things has never worked and it never will.  We all have something we struggle with on a daily basis.  Some very minor and some very very major.  And we keep it inside.  And we try to get by in a world where every breath feels like a struggle.  Where we feel out of place and wonder if we will ever belong.  And all we want is to be accepted and loved for who we are, the good and the bad.  And my heart aches for people who feel so unloved and alone that they choose to end their life.  We all need to be more understanding and take that extra step to help someone who is in need or hurting.  I think we need to judge our success not on our jobs or how much money we have in the bank, but on our ability to reach out and help others in their darkest moments.  It might seem like an inconvenience at the time, but it is something you will never regret.  And the happiness one receives from helping others is worth more then anything money can buy.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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