Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thoughts on Human Nature

Recent experiences have led me to believe that the only person we can truely depend on in this life is ourselves.  If we can  not be internally happy, then nothing, no matter what will ever make us externally happy.  External happiness doesn't exist.  Everything in this life is temporary and fleeting.  We chase these dreams and when we achieve them we find new dreams to chase.  What if we could all just live in the moment.  Be happy that God made each and every one of us exactly who we are.  I watch my children struggle to fit it and it hurts my heart.  They are absolutley perfect and loving beings and I don't ever want this world to change them.  But I know the world is a certain way and I can not protect them from the harsh realities that await them in the future.  All I can do is teach them to love themselves and love others for their differences.  Lately I have been pondering what my purpose on this earth is.  I worry that I may fail as a parent or something unspeakable will happen to my children and then what will I be left with.  They are my entire world.  All I can do is my best and what I know is the truth and the light.  And the rest is up to them.  God gave them free will and I pray that they will choose wisely and not have to suffer as I have many times throughout my life.  We all want what is best for our children.... and we all need to want what is best for ourselves as well.  I don't know if my life will have a happy ending, but I do know that I am going to fight each and every day so that regardless of what comes.... Ill know I gave it my all.  And my children can at least be proud of that 


  1. We all want our children to be proud of us. Its human nature. It is also human nature to make mistakes. What we learn from them we then teach our children. U are the role model for ur beautiful children. Ur actions causes their reactions. Ever notice if ur sad or upset they quickly wanna make everything okay? Because they see u do it with them. We as mothers strive to give our children the best and then present them to the world for them to judge. As long as ur children know they are superfantabulous thats all that matters.I think u are a wonderful person. Keep being the supermom u are.

  2. Giving it your all will BE the happy ending.

    Any mother who spends this much time thinking and worrying is doing a pretty bang up job in my book!
